Moms~Tea~Roses~Beauty, Oh MY!
We are very happy to say that our pre-mother’s day tea party was a great success! A huge Thank You for all that attended and participated in our coming together. When we gather like this, even in small groups, the impact and heart print we leave, we believe to be eternal. We feel honored to know and share our stories with such an amazing group of beautifully powerful women. As a bonus, all attendees received their own DermaUtopia tea cup sets. (YEAH!) And, a white rose was also given to each attendee as a reminder of their pure beauty, and uniqueness. Which like that of a flower, is ever blooming into its own greatness, leaving a fragrance for all to enjoy.
Regarding our mother’s day giveaway, we received 3 submissions, and because of this we decided to honor them ALL with a FREE Day of Pampering!
Don’t worry… If you missed out on the tea party, we have many more gatherings and giveaways to come. If you haven’t already signed up to receive our latest happenings, you can do so by clicking here: Join Us! and signing up for our newsletter! If you are already subscribed, and know someone who may benefit from our offerings, please forward this invitation to join us. We welcome you!
Wishing you beauty all ways, always.
Dana and The DermaUtopia Crew