A love feedback from one of our Acne-Skin Clients
This is Marty, one of our lovely clients who experiences acne issues on her skin. She's been with DermaUtopia for quite a long period and she is definitely loving her experience with us, even though she is currently residing in New York.
Marty came to us when she was having big headache with pimples and she started to take care of skin by using DermaUtopia products right after her first ORGANIC microdermabrasion treatment. Marty has been a very lovely and loyal client of ours.
We are very thankful for having such a friend like Marty. We love to help out with your skin problems. We believe in holistic concept and we believe every woman is beautiful in her own way and skin.
“I also just wanted to show you my skin- it is always SO lovely. Thanks to you!!!!
I am wearing some blush and highlighter over my topics tinted sunscreen but my skin itself is blemish free!!!!
Picture in your email!
Thanks Dana”